American Office Services auditorium seat renovation project at Willson Auditorium in Bozeman, Montan

Check out the close-up view of the recent American Office Services auditorium seat renovation project at Willson Auditorium in Bozeman, Montana. American Office Services provided the renovation of 1,100 fixed auditorium seating located in the Main Auditorium Level (upholstered chairs) and Balcony Level (non-upholstered chairs. For more on the story, click here!
The project scope of work included: refurbishment of existing fixed seating system, new molded hardwood maple veneer plywood backs stained to match architect's sample, new 3" polyurethane foam padding, Designtex fabric and two-coated baked enamel finish on hinged seats, refurbishing support standards, sanding and refinishing existing solid hardwood armrests, new seat and aisle numbers, refurbished hinges, hinged ADA swing away armrest and moveable seating and base sections, and refurbished and refinished existing decorative one-piece cast metal panels. Click here to view the photo gallery!